Tuesday 7 June 2016

Weed Resistance a Growing Problem

Weed Resistance

Sorry about the title of this blog because it looks like a pun but in fact, it is no such thing.

Many local farmers know only too well that there is a problem looming on the horizon relating to the increasing resistance of certain types of weeds to herbicidal treatment.  Leaving to one side for a moment the debates about alternative methods of control that are a little greener, many ordinary farmers are becoming worried about this phenomenon.

That’s why the recent announcements that Bayer in Germany have set up a big research lab to look at this will come as good news. It’s also interesting to see that numbers of top Aussie scientists have been seconded to work in Frankfurt to help the fight. for more detail visit http://www.whitestractors.com.au/blog/246-weed-resistance-a-growing-problem.html

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