Wednesday 5 October 2016

Dogs on Farms

We were reading somewhere that a dog owner had said that he didn’t bother getting his dogs ‘jabbed’ as it was expensive.

Well, we can’t tell you what you should or shouldn‘t do with your pets but Man’s best friend is often a key member of ‘the team’ on many farms so it’s worth thinking about protecting its health. True, we haven’t decided to diversify away from Kubota Tractors and such into veterinary medicine – not even we’re THAT clever! Even so, we do know a little bit about these things.

Although the recommendations vary a bit from State to State, generally speaking, your dog should have regular shots against:

1. Distemper – a nasty and very contagious disease this. Its symptoms include a runny nose, conjunctivitis and fits. It’s best prevented because once contracted, treatment often doesn’t work very well.

2.Parvovirus. This is another piece of bad news. Yet again, it’s a highly contagious and is a virus creating gastroenteritis. You might see your dog showing symptoms such as depression, appetite loss, vomiting (sometimes very bad) and blood-laced diarrhoea. Your dog can get sick and die very quickly.

3. Cough. Just like in humans, canine coughs can come in a number of forms and may be due to bacteria or a virus (sometimes both if an infection is a secondary effect of another illness). Not all coughs in dogs are serious but many are ane you could see persistent coughing over weeks. This can be debilitating and isn’t always fatal – though it can be in older dogs and pups.

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