Wednesday 16 November 2016

Thought of the month - Get Rid of the Splinter

At the start of a new year, everyone is focused on improving things.

New Year's resolutions abound, everything from vowing to wear more skirts to the office to committing to advanced education or maybe even trying for another baby! Everybody seems to enter the New Year with refreshed hope that all those wonderful things that we dream could happen will really come true this time.

But, is there something that you already HAVE in your life that is holding you back?

The other day, I saw my four year-old was limping noticeably. I asked him if something was wrong with his foot but he replied "no". This happened three or four times before he finally admitted that he had stepped on something and it had gotten into the bottom of his foot.

If there is one thing Douglas does not like, it’s Mommy or Daddy having to remove splinters. He was willing to put up with the pain of the splinter rather than admit that he had a problem. It was hard for me to understand why he preferred the pain of the splinter to the solution but, he was in denial. He had talked himself into believing that the splinter wasn’t that bad, that it would go away and that the pain would get better.

We laugh when we see a child behave this way but do you have a splinter in your life that you are ignoring?

Maybe your health isn’t so great or you owe too much money. Maybe you are having family problems or are afraid to fly in a plane. I’ll bet almost everybody has something that they are choosing to ignore.

I have a splinter but I’m not going to tell you what it is - and I won’t ask you about yours. Because I think the thorns in our life are too personal. It is easy to talk about our goals, our dreams and our schemes. It’s fun to share with people our hopes for the future, especially when we have set solid resolutions to see them to fruition but the splinters in our life are different.

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