Wednesday 13 July 2016

Cleaning Up your Machinery Parts


Basic sensible maintenance means that sometimes you’re going to need to clean up one sort of ‘part’ or another.
Recently, there’s been a lot of talk about ultrasonic cleaning and related questions. Here’s our take on the subject….
1. Ultrasonic cleaning involves the suspension of the item to be cleaned, usually in a liquid. Transducers create ultrasound that in turn causes bubbles in the fluid to explode – removing dirt and grease from the item concerned.
2. Theoretically, plain water can be used but for heavier applications and to reduce the risk of subsequent corrosion, specialist cleaning and rinsing fluids may be required and they’re not cheap. If you do use plain water on ferrous items, remember that very thorough drying and the application of a protective layer will be required afterwards unless you’re into rust breeding.

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