Monday 25 July 2016

Don’t Forget Your Health


      Anyone working in agriculture is inclined, at least sometimes, to think that they’re a bit tougher           than others.

     We’re out in all weathers, working long hours and often engaged in heavy-duty physical labour.        There’s also our cultural history here – the ‘hard-as-granite’ Aussie farmer is maybe a stereotype        but deep down many of us are proud of it.

    There’s a danger though of taking this a bit too far and starting to think that we’re somehow                  immune from the natural world. Well, we’re not and we need to take care of our health.

   So, here are a few gentle reminders  

  1.  Keep your Tetanus shots up-to-date.
  2. If you suffer a wound, even a minor one, make sure it’s immediately cleaned and protected. Use         that first-aid kit you have available to do so.
  3. It doesn’t matter how weather-worn you think your skin is, use barrier cream when working in the        sun.

  4. Use that eye safety gear that you really should have in your cab or close-by when working with            machinery. Protect your hearing too.

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