Tuesday 2 August 2016

To Buy or Not To Buy – That is the Question with Second-Hand Agricultural Equipment


We really like to have an extended chat with our customers to get to know them and their requirements before starting to offer any advice. That’s particularly true on the perennial debate about new versus second-hand.

However, we’d like to share a few fairly basic points as a starter on this one:

1. There’s a very big difference between ‘second-hand’, where that is another way of saying ‘clapped out’, and quality inspected ‘pre-used’ agricultural equipment. It would be unthinkable for us to sell the former and you can be 100% sure all our pre-used equipment has been THOROUGHLY checked by us before we offer it.

2. Quality used equipment can be attractive financially and some good deals can be had. Buying a ‘cheapo’ tractor or baler (etc.) can, by contrast, prove to be a financial disaster. Don’t do it! Talk to us instead.

3. Surprisingly, if you look at financing deals and guarantees, it can sometimes be more financially attractive to buy New as opposed to Used. A lot will depend upon what you’re looking for, your financial position and what deals are around at the time.

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