Tuesday 31 January 2017

Bees – A Global Discussion Underway

In truth, it’s not commonplace for environmental scientists to be in complete agreement about anything.

They may agree on generalities, such as that human activity is probably a contributory factor in global warming but oftentimes the specifics can prove to be more of a problem.

However, recently scientists from all around the planet have warned again that the global decline in bee populations is or should be, grave cause for concern.  That’s not only an issue in terms of losing species but also because of the critically important role that bees play in pollination and therefore some farmers’ livelihoods.

Apparently, the best brains are now fairly sure that the decline is caused by three main factors:

1. a parasitic infection that fortunately, so far at least, seems not to exist in Australia;

2. the destruction of their natural habitat leading to food shortages;

3. the use of pesticides (killing bees as an unintended by-product).

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