Tuesday 10 January 2017

New Year

It probably won’t have escaped your attention that we’re approaching the festive season.

Now we mention this because recently on TV there was a programme talking about how a lot of office workers start ‘easing up’ in the run in to Christmas and continue that through to New Year’s Day.  Well, we smiled at that and couldn’t help saying “nice work if you can get it”!

Now we’re not knocking office workers or city industries. Those guys work long and hard too but in farming the idea of a ‘quiet day or two’ at this time of year is amusing. We get around Goulburn and its surroundings quite a bit and you don’t see too many farmers gathering together to talk about Christmas decorations or just how many days they can take off before the holiday so they can spend some quality time shopping.

OK, that goes with the territory in farming we know but it does introduce our usual Christmas and New Year message.

We know you’re busy and running those Kubota tractors flat out but do try and make some effort to find some time for the season’s festivities and meanings.

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