Tuesday 17 January 2017

Strange Farming Accidents

We happened to be looking something up the other day and something relating to “odd farming accidents” caught our eye.

Now at first glance, this didn’t seem to be likely to be amusing. Far too many people continue to be injured and killed on Australian farms for this to be a subject for giggles but in fact it turned out to be a series of photos of ‘situations’ rather than accidents. We have to admit that some of them made us smile and you couldn’t help wondering “just how on earth could that have happened?”

One of our favourites was actually from the UK. It consisted of several large tractors (none of them Kubota Tractors we hasten to add) which were bogged down in a rain-sodden field almost up to their cabs.

A lot of guys were standing around scratching their heads and there was a large long-jib crane parked on the nearby road, reaching over trying to pull the tractors out. The legend explained that the ‘jam’ had come about after a first tractor had got bogged down and others went to its aid.

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